

la Scala, for Gounod's "Romeo et Juliette" . I'm not really used to the style of French opera ( here exemplified as Drame lyrique which avoids blatantly theatrical or grandiose effects) but I can't resist a good love story and apparently nor can a lot of other people.Shakespeare was the major leaguer in this tragic… Continue reading Love


Auditorium ? Wow!

I don't know what was wrong with me but I was vaguely bored last night, my own ignorant fault of course. Or maybe I was simply waiting for what I really wanted to hear. "Thus spake Zarathustra!" Of course it's one of those popular pieces that everybody knows but not everybody knows whose it is.… Continue reading Auditorium ? Wow!

Music, My Diary

Obstacle race to Beethoven I really don't mean to grumble all the time but needs must! This year my season ticket to the auditorium gave me the possibility to hear Beethoven's ninth on New Year's Eve. Lovely, until...I caught a glimpse out of the speeding train of the magic stop Duomo but we sped by! Where was the… Continue reading Obstacle race to Beethoven

Music, My Diary

Special Sunday.

cof There was the possibility to listen to some music this afternoon in Brugherio. I think it's really interesting when they offer free music, even though I'm not sure who "they" are. It was an organ recital held in San Bartholomew's a church standing on a site used for worship since the 13th century but… Continue reading Special Sunday.

Gardening, My Diary, Seasons

An almost perfect day (or the art of making the most of what you’ve got)

I overslept, not you would think the best way to start a day but there it is. I decided to do something I'd been neglecting but which fills me with happiness, take a stroll around the garden and take photos. I started off in the far corner to admire my handiwork on the winter jasmin… Continue reading An almost perfect day (or the art of making the most of what you’ve got)