My Diary, Trip

I’m just a gal who can’t say GO…

Actually that's not the title of the song which is" I'm just a gal who can't say no and I'm in a terrible fix".I wish I were like that girl because procrastination is my enemy, Thief of my mini holiday!A gal who can't say go, me down to the ground! So, eventually, tardily, tootling along… Continue reading I’m just a gal who can’t say GO…


Gardening:the Buddleia

(Delightfully named after the Reverend Adam Buddle although not discovered by him) I've just finished one of my favourite garden jobs and I'm sweaty ,dirty ,scratched and happy to prove it. I always cut the spent tips of my butterfly bush because I don't like the look of them when they're brown and dead and… Continue reading Gardening:the Buddleia


I’m not the only one overwhelmed by gardens……

Monet Monet's lily pond The garden has been an inspiration for many artists, probably the most famous one is French painter Claude Monet who acknowledged that his garden in Giverny had inspired so many of his impressionistic works especially his waterlily series. Islamic Garden with fountain But he was not the only one. Spanish artist… Continue reading I’m not the only one overwhelmed by gardens……